Help Us Help More Kids!

Help us continue to build a strong community, boost physical and mental health and well-being, and foster a lifelong passion for the outdoors through a tax deductible donation.

More than 44% of the youth participating in CCSC programs qualify for free and reduced rate lunch programs. As a 501(c)3 non-profit organization (EIN is 38-2878585), we rely on the generosity of donors to help us remove barriers for all school-age children in our region to learn to ski and snowboard. Your donation will be used to keep our program fees as low as possible and provide scholarships and/or equipment for kids in need. All donations are 100% tax deductible.

We operate due to the generosity of donors like YOU! Donate today to help get more kids outdoors and active all winter.

But donations aren’t the only way to help. You can volunteer, facilitate a corporate sponsorship, spread the word, and even join our team. Your support, in any form, plays a crucial role in ensuring that CCSC can continue its mission of making snowsports accessible to all youth and building a stronger, healthier community.

Check out our ongoing support at Gratitude. Stay informed by subscribing to updates.

Check out all the options:

Your financial support is crucial to keep CCSC programs accessible and affordable. Consider making a donation, whether it's a one-time contribution or a recurring gift. Every dollar helps!

As a Powder Partner, you become an integral part of our mission, empowering us to inspire and nurture a love for skiing among the younger generation. Your commitment ensures that deserving young individuals have access to opportunities they might not otherwise have, opening doors to a world of adventure and personal growth.

Join the Powder Partners today, and let your dedication carve a path toward a brighter future for aspiring skiers and the growth of our beloved ski club. Together, we'll make a lasting impact on the lives of countless individuals and the broader ski community.

We appreciate your generous support, and if you'd like to discuss the right amount for you contact CCSC’s Director of Operations,

The pre-season usually offers a number of fund-raiser opportunities where volunteers are in need. Examples include the annual Ironman, sponsored Warren Miller movie showings, and the Ski Swap. This is the place to check for current needs.

Opportunities for the 2024-25 CCSC season:

  • The Ski Swap at Crystal Mountain takes place 10/25/24: time slots to be announced.

  • Volunteer ushers and ticket takers will be needed for Warren Miller events as follows:

    • Traverse City: At least 10 volunteers needed by 6pm on 11/1/24 (Friday)

    • Manistee: At least 4 volunteers will be needed by 6pm on 11/8/24 (Friday)

    • Frankfort: At least 6 volunteers needed by 6pm on 11/13/2024 (Wednesday)

Shoot Hunter Steinkamp an email at if you’d like to volunteer with CCSC.

If you represent a business or organization, consider becoming a sponsor or partner with CCSC. Your support can help expand the club's reach and impact.

Contact Hunter Steinkamp at to find out more.

Help raise awareness about CCSC by sharing its mission and accomplishments with your friends, family and community. The more people who know about CCSC, the stronger its impact can be.

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook and be sure to have your friends follow us, too.

Check our latest news.

Seasonal coaching positions become available every winter season. If you have experience coaching, consider joining our team.

Check here for our current job openings with CCSC.